PepperBerry Stories In Substack

These are the PepperBerry visual narratives that you can find in our Substack. Subscribe and receive our illustrated stories in your inbox.

  • The Book of Adam

    Short and sweet stories about the life of angels in the Divine Garden and their relationships with humans and all creatures in the creation. We publish them at the beginning of the week to convey optimism and relaxation, but they can also be read before bed.

  • Yulia’s Life

    Yulia is a young German woman who wants to be a filmmaker in the early 2000s. However, her family's past forces her to reflect on her life and try to express her feelings in a blog. Yulia feels like she is living a double life: that of a young artist and that of a person tormented by the ideas surrounding her since childhood. In these Wednesday entries, you will be able to follow this character's story and his relationship with one of the PepperBerry sagas.

  • Yulia’s Blog

    Weekly reviews on Thursday of movies, books, and music. You'll be able to follow how the future filmmaker interprets life through art and gets to understand what she wants to do with her future productions. In a way, you'll become a witness of the origin story of a future creator. If that is not enough to make you want to follow her blog, let us add that all the products she'll be reviewing are going to be either from the 2000's or classic material, so, this may also become a meaningful jump into the past.

  • The Djinn Oracle

    A fictional compilation of different types of djinns that fans of personality tests will love because, through a mystical and magical spirit, we seek to make our readers feel related to these mythological creatures. Available once a month on our Creativity Fridays.

  • All the Punks

    A collection of historical science fiction stories that includes subgenres such as steampunk, seapunk, and dieselpunk. Tales that reflect PepperBerry's values: the search for community, the importance of the environment, and the commitment to future generations. Another monthly publication of our Creativity Fridays.

  • Monkey Business

    A satirical political novel that questions the use of social networks and the dilemmas of current democracy. Read one chapter a month on our Creativity Fridays.

  • More Creativity on Friday

On Fridays, our team of writers and digital artists unleash your imagination so you can read stories focused on the creative experience. Whether you are an artist yourself or looking for intriguing and inspiring reads, you can't miss them!

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